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Water Quality Monitoring


The Rogue Valley Council of Governments (RVCOG) has performed water quality sampling and analysis in the Bear Creek Watershed since the 1960s. The monitoring program was developed to help the cities of Central Point, Medford, Phoenix, Talent, Ashland, Jacksonville, and Jackson County identify what kinds of pollutants (if any) were causing a problem to local waters. In addition, Bear Creek was identified as a water quality limited stream leading to the development of the initial Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) determination in 1992 which identified pollutants and required Designated Management Agencies (DMAs) including local municipalities to implement programs under the Clean Water Act to help improve and protect water quality.  Monitoring program are vital to identify pollutants, prioritize projects, and show long term improvements in water quality as programs are implemented and revised.  The last major changes to the TMDL monitoring program were made in 2011 when the Rogue Basin TMDL was completed.

The experience and resources (e.g., materials, match funding) provided by the TMDL program monitoring allows for additional monitoring to be completed in the Watershed through partnerships and grants.  Examples of recent monitoring efforts include the Almeda Post Fire Monitoring Program (2021-2023) and the W.I.S.E Effectiveness monitoring (2012-2014).

Interactive Monitoring Map – Click on a location or enter an address to find stations near you!

Regional Monitoring Program – What We Do

Current Programs (Ongoing) 
1. Effectiveness Monitoring Program: In July 2011, the monitoring program was changed to reflect recommendations from an effectiveness monitoring program study. The study recommended changing the program to implement a 5-year program to focus on evaluating the effectiveness of implementation projects being completed throughout the watershed. Changes to the program included adding additional sites, removing several sites, changing sampling parameters (adding and removing parameters), and changing sampling procedures. Maps (GPS’d Google Earth Image), data, and other information will be added to this page as they become available.  Data collected under the program is being evaluated by EPA and others with funding support for additional work provided by a 319 grant.
2. Illicit Discharge (Storm Drains and Hot Spot):This portion of the monitoring program continues the sampling framework and procedures established in the previous sampling program. Illicit discharge monitoring involves sampling several storm drains in each DMA, three times per year. Samples are collected during the summer (dry weather), and during two storm events (first flush and wet weather). The second portion of the program is the hot spot monitoring program which allows RVCOG to serve as a point of contact for water quality concerns and also provides for a limited sampling program for investigating concerns.
To report a complaint:
  • Call the DEQ Complaint Hotline at 1-888-997-7888 or visit the DEQ website for more information.
  • Refer to the appropriate Agency or Local Contact using the Hot Spot Contact List (Updated April 2021).
  • Document the complaint or concern using photos.
  • By request, RVCOG can investigate complaints. Contact Greg Stabach at (541) 423-1370. RVCOG keeps an ongoing record of complaints and field investigations.

3. QA/QC Sampling: This program is conducted as part of the effectiveness monitoring program. The Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consists of both external measures (e.g., split sampling with DEQ) and internal measures (splits, duplicates, blanks).

4. Temperature Study: Starting in May 2015, the Rogue River Watershed Council, The Freshwater Trust, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District, and RVCOG teamed together to implement a temperature study to identify potential cold water refugia areas in Bear Creek. Multiple temperature data loggers were deployed at various locations along Bear Creek. Data collected is analyzed annually and loggers locations are adjusted based on data results. The loggers were re-deployed in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Temperature logger and housing being placed in Bear Creek in Phoenix.

5. Public Education and Awareness: During the summer months, RVCOG releases a public notice advisory for streams that test over the water quality standards for bacteria, such as E. coli (absolute standard for a single sample of >406 MPN). The release is an advisory notice only and does not result in the closures of local streams to contact recreation. It does, however ask residents to take precautions when in contact with the water. Press releases are sent out as needed (based on sampling results). Limited information exists on popular swimming areas in the region. The best information available can be found on the Waterkeeper Swim Guide website and app.
Monitoring Program Partners

The monitoring program is funded by the Cities of Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Medford, Central Point, and Jacksonville, Jackson County, and the  Department of Agriculture (ODA). Other partners that participate in the program include the Department of Forestry (ODF), Rogue Valley Sewer Services (RVSS), and DEQ. Lab space for analyzing samples is donated by the the City of Medford.

News – Press Releases and Bear Creek Report Card

Other program information including results

Monitoring Results

Results from the monitoring are used in meeting the TMDL requirements, in project effectiveness monitoring, to prioritize restoration projects, and for long term watershed health evaluation. The monitoring program operates under a DEQ-approved Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan, and RVCOG’s data has been consistently rated as high quality data by DEQ.

Other Program Elements: Annual water quality reports, quarterly TMDL meetings, education and outreach, and serving as a point of contact for water quality concerns.

Water Quality Standards

Water quality standards are benchmarks established to assess whether the quality of Oregon’s rivers and lakes is adequate for fish and other aquatic life, recreation, drinking, agriculture, industry and other uses. Water quality standards are also regulatory tools used by DEQ and the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to prevent pollution of our waters. States are required to adopt water quality standards by the CWA. States submit their standards to EPA for approval.
Monitoring Program Partners

The monitoring program is funded by the Cities of Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Medford, Central Point, and Jacksonville, Jackson County, and the  Department of Agriculture (ODA). Other partners that participate in the program include the Department of Forestry (ODF), Rogue Valley Sewer Services (RVSS), and DEQ. Lab space for analyzing samples is donated by the the City of Medford.

Monitoring Reports

Click on the links below for more information on the monitoring program:

Monitoring Data and Reports (DRAFT)

July-Sept 2023

Oct-Dec 2023

Past Stream Monitoring Data

2022-2023 – TMDL Data

2022-2023 – TMDL Trends

2021-2022 – TMDL Data

2021-2022 – TMDL Trends

2020-2021 – TMDL Data

2020-2021 – TMDL Trends

2019-2020 – TMDL Data

2019-2020 – TMDL Trends

2018-2019 – TMDL Data

2018-2019 – TMDL Trends

July 1st, 2017 – June 30th, 2018

July 1st, 2015 – June 30th, 2017

Past Storm Drain Monitoring Data

2022-2023 – Stormdrain Data

2022-2023 – Stormdrain Trends

2021-2022 – Stormdrain Data

2021-2022 – Stormdrain Trends

2020-2021 – Stormdrain Data

2020-2021 – Stormdrain Trends

2019-2020 – Stormdrain Data

2019-2020 – Stormdrain Trends

2018-2019 – Stormdrain Data

2018-2019 – Stormdrain Trends

2013-2018 – Stormdrain Monitoring Report

2013-2018 – Stormdrain Data

2013-2018 – Stormdrain Trends

TMDL Context

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Background, History, and Why We Monitor
Under the Clean Water Act (CWA), States must identify water bodies (streams, lakes, rivers, etc.) that are not meeting water quality standards. Pollutants causing impairments to local streams include bacteria, nutrients (ammonia, nitrates, and phosphorus), sediment, and temperature. The CWA also includes a process for calculating total maximum daily loads (TMDLs). TMDLs define the theoretical amount of pollutants that can be present in a given waterbody without causing impairments to its designated beneficial uses (e.g., swimming, irrigation, fish rearing and spawning). Waterbodies can have multiple TMDLs, which are completed periodically for a set number of pollutants. The allowable contribution is divided up among sources in the watershed including urban, agricultural, forestry, and natural (background) sources. Designated Management Agencies (DMAs) are also identified through the process. DMAs are responsible for meeting the TMDL requirements and must implement actions to improve water quality conditions over time and track progress by monitoring and other methods.
TMDLs were completed for Bear Creek in 1992 and 2008. Central Point, Medford, Phoenix, Talent, Ashland, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Medford Irrigation District, Talent Irrigation District, and Rogue River Valley Irrigation Districts were identified as the DMAs. As a result, plans were developed and are being implemented to meet TMDL goals. Key components include water quality monitoring, implementing low impact development (LID) strategies, restoring riparian areas, and providing educational outreach programs.


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Rogue Valley Council of Governments