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Brownfield Community Wide Assessment Program

The Brownsfield Assessment program can lead to underutilized, vacant, and abandoned properties being developed.
The program leads to eventual redevelopment providing jobs, new tax revenues, affordable housing, and recreational areas.
All properties public and private are eligible for participation in the program.

Image courtesy of Smart Growth America

What’s New?

Project Activity Updates

  • We are looking for potential projects for the program.  Contact Greg Stabach ( for information/
  • 2nd Advisory Team (AT) meeting February 20th, 2024
  • Public Meeting being planned for October 2024
  • 1 Completed Phase II
  • 1 Phase II in development
  • 1 Contaminated Materials Management Plan (CMMP) and Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) in development
  • Presentation to the Rogue Valley Realtors completed in late June 2024.

Project Flyer

Current Project June 2022-Present

What is a Brownfield?

A brownfield is a property, of which the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by the presence, or potential presence, of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. It is estimated that there are more than 450,000 brownfields in the U.S. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties increases local tax bases, facilitates job growth, utilizes existing infrastructure, takes development pressures off of undeveloped, open land, and both improves and protects the environment.

The above information is from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

For more information on brownfields:

EPA Brownfield Site –

Activities Potentially Eligible for Funding under the current program

  1. Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
    1. Project that are potentially eligible include dry cleaners, gas stations, former orchards, and other properties
  2. Clean-up, Reuse and Area-Wide Planning
    1. Remedial Action Plans/Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCAs)
    2. Site-Specific Reuse Planning
    3. Area-wide planning

Please note that projects need meet eligibility requirements subject to approval by EPA.

Project Materials

Project Materials

Core Team Kick-off Meeting held on February 7th, 2023

  • Presentation (pdf)

Project Materials

Work Completed 2017 – June 2022

Funding to complete a Brownfield Community Wide Assessment was received from EPA in October 2017. Coalition partners include the City of Medford, City of Central Point, City of Grants Pass, and Jackson County.

The program looked at both public and private sites that may be contaminated by petroleum or hazardous materials.  EPA funding allowed the program to:

  1. Inventory and prioritize brownfield sites
  2. Conduct Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments to determine if there is contamination,  If contamination was identified, the assessments also identified the contaminants, sources, and extent of the contamination.
  3. Complete site-specific clean-up or re-use plans
  4. Complete area wide planning (AWP) activities in focus areas.  Two focus areas were identified and a plan was completed for the Liberty Park neighborhood.
  5. Provide public outreach on the project and get community input on priorities through a Brownfields Advisory Committee

Project Updates and Products

Public Involvement Plan (Draft)

Site Nomination Form – Public and Private Properties

Project Activity (October 2017 to March 31, 2022)

  • Fourteen coalition meetings have been held (December 2017 – September 2020).
  • Inventory work completed for focus areas.
  • Public Involvement Plan, Site Nomination Form, and other deliverables completed.
  • Quarterly reports submitted to EPA.
  • Public meetings held in Grants Pass and Medford.
  • Class held with Rogue Valley Realtors.
  • 9 Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) and  8 Phase II ESAs have been completed.
  • Work is ongoing for additional Phase I’s and Phase II’s.
  • One Contaminant Media Management Plan (CMMP) has been completed.
  • Area wide planning has started for two locations – Liberty Park and a corridor along Table Rock Road
  • An inventory of potential brownfields in portions of Phoenix and Talent along Highway 99 was completed with funding provided by Business Oregon.
  • Held an online public meeting on Monday, November 1st to talk about program accomplishments and next steps.
  • Applied for funding for continuation of the program in December 2021.
  • We completed final reports for the project in March 2022.
  • In May 2022, we received notice that we were awarded additional funding for the next phase of the assessment which will focus on areas impacted by the Almeda Fire in Phoenix, Talent, and unincorporated Jackson County.

Upcoming Meetings and Events:

No additional meetings are scheduled for this portion of the project.

Project Contact:

Greg Stabach, RVCOG Natural Resources Program Manager (email), (541) 423-1370

General Information and Resources

To learn more about brownfields, click on the links and videos below:

Video on brownfields and the Eugene-Springfield-Lane County Coalition:

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Rogue Valley Council of Governments