Rogue Valley Council of Governments
TMDL Implementation Overview

TMDL Responsibility – Jacksonville
In order to meet water quality standards set under the Clean Water Act, the City of Jacksonville implements a number of actions individually and also regionally with the other communities in the Bear Creek watershed,
Activities that help achieve water quality standards include outreach and education, restoring riparian areas along Jackson and Daisy Creek including by the dam and reservoir in Forest Park, monitoring water quality, preventing illicit discharge from entering storm drains and creeks, managing invasive species, and street sweeping.
Responsibilities to meet water quality standards are divided among an number of different sectors (see diagram below).
2023-2024 Annual TMDL Reporting Materials (Due November 1st, 2024)
The information below are the components of the Annual TMDL Report for the City representing implementation activities conducted from July 1st, 2023 through June 30th, 2024. Activities include those conducted regionally, individually by the City, and partners.
TMDL Matrix Combined (Jacksonville and Regional)
Jacksonville Supplemental Information/Matrix
Phase II Stormwater Report (Additional information on Stream Smart Activities)
2022-2023 Report
Implementation Tracking and Reporting
Map Links
Riparian Planting Map (Bear Creek Watershed)
Educational Links
Geocache at Forest Park – Find the geocache at Forest Park to learn more about the history of the Dam, recreational opportunities, and restoration activities.
Activity Photos

Previous Years Reports
Complete Report with all supplemental information (tabs)
2019-2020 Full Report with tabs