Rogue Valley Council of Governments

Options for People to Address Loneliness (OPAL) –
is for seniors and adults with disabilities who are experiencing loneliness or social isolation. The OPAL program combines the foundational concepts from cognitive behavioral treatment, empowerment, consumer centered care and a strong strength-based focus. Our focus on empowerment, consumer-centered and strength based focus is strengthened by adding ADRC Options Counseling steps to empower participants’ decision making and increased access to much needed resources.
This brief, person-centered, behavioral health program includes 4 sessions and 2 monthly follow up phone calls with an OPAL counselor who provides participants with support and encouragement, while assisting them in finding new ways to reduce their experience of loneliness and isolation.
Activities during OPAL sessions include setting small goals and action plans, practicing behavior activation strategies to increase pleasant, physical, and social activities, and learning coping strategies to decrease symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety, often related to the feelings of loneliness and isolation.
OPAL counselors also collaborate with participants in finding important resources to reduce loneliness and social isolation or improve their quality of life.
PEARLS (Program to Encourage Active and Rewarding Lives for Seniors) is an evidence-based treatment program for seniors with depression. PEARLS is for older adults (and all-age adults with epilepsy) with minor depression. This brief intervention program is delivered in the home with 8 visits and 4 follow-up calls over a period of 6 to 8 months. More information here.
Buried in Treasures – Learn the skills to de-clutter and stop acquiring so much stuff. Join us for a 16-week course to help improve your life and create more living space for you and your family. This group is once per week for two hours and offers a judgement-free environment for people ready to make a change in their life. More information Here.