Rogue Valley Council of Governments
The City of Grants Pass is implementing a comprehensive program to meet the Rogue Basin Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program of the the Clean Water Act to reduce temperature and bacteria inputs within the City limits and Urban Growth Boundary to the Rogue River and its tributaries (e.g., Skunk, Gilbert, Fruitdale, Jones, and Sand creeks). Strategies include riparian restoration to improve stream shade, managing urban runoff to reduce pollution, conducting community education and outreach programs, and erosion prevention and sediment control. Planned strategies are outlined in a DEQ-approved plan that is implemented over a 5-year period. After 5 years, plans are reviewed, and revised and updated as need for the next 5-year period until water quality standards are met. Implementation of the program will be completed by the City, contractors, partner organizations, the public, schools, colleges, and other groups. Plans were updated in 2020 for the next 5-year cycle.
Plan years run from July 1st through June 30th annually.