What’s New?

Bear Creek Restoration Initiative (BCRI)  (Page Link)

The BCRI formed in 2019 after the Penninger Fire in Central Point to bring together local restoration practitioners who have been working on restoring the Bear Creek Corridor (Greenway, Riparian Zone, and Floodplain). The group started out as a forum to coordinate activities, protocols, funding needs, and other items related to restoration. Members of the group include RVCOG, the Rogue River Watershed Council, the Freshwater Trust, Lomakatsi Restoration Project, Jackson County, Rogue Riverkeeper, Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District, Rogue Valley Sewer Services, and others.

As the group met, a need for a prioritized plan and implementation strategy was identified. The plan was completed in 2020 and implementation was beginning on several priority locations prior to the Almeda and Table Rock Fires. Members of the group were involved in developing the initial stabilization plan (immediate/short term) and are currently involved in continuing to manage invasive species and restore the corridor including the burned area.

For more information on the group and its activities, please click on the link above.

Department Overview

rivertripshaynemichaelHow we manage natural resources is vitally important in the Rogue Valley. We all are responsible for the health of our watersheds and waterways. Actions we take and the choices we make can impact the health and liveability of our region.

Natural Resources (established as the Water Resources Department in 1978) is involved in many activities directed at improving  the health and vitality of our watersheds within the Rogue Basin.   Activities include water quality monitoring, regional TMDL implementation and coordination, regional water quality planning, endangered species conservation, laboratory analysis of water quality samples, watershed education, and greenway planning and construction. Natural Resources supplies technical assistance and planning services to RVCOG members and other partner organizations, provides staff support for multidisciplinary committees, and board support for partner organizations. In 2014, Natural Resources became part of the Planning Department.

Mission Statement

Work with communities and partners in the Rogue Basin to conserve and enhance the health of our watersheds by facilitating the development and implementation of regional strategies, and by providing technical and educational assistance. We seek to achieve a balance between economic well-being and healthy natural systems.

Upcoming Events and Meetings of Interest

Stream Smart Quarterly Meeting – January 22nd, 2025 – 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM, RVCOG/Zoom.

TMDL Quarterly Meeting – January 22nd, 2025 – 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, RVCOG/Zoom.

Wildfire Resources

For those who were majorly impacted by the fire activity that has devastated our region, please view the following resources:

Oregon Wildfire Recovery – State of Oregon

2020 Wildfire Resources – State of Oregon

Oregon Wildfire Recovery – Willamette Partnership

Post-Wildfire Recovery – Cal Fire

Wildfire Recovery & Rebuilding – Shasta County

FEMA Disaster Assistance

Project and Program Pages

Natural Resources Projects:

Our  projects address a diverse range of topics including water quality monitoring, wetlands, riparian planting and restoration, vernal pools, dam removal, stormwater management (NPDES Phase II), TMDLs, and education and outreach.

Water Quality Monitoring

Bear Creek TMDL

Rogue Basin TMDL

Urban Runoff/Stormwater Management

Riparian Restoration

Education and Outreach


Bear Creek Restoration Initiative


Salmon Watch (April 2013). Links to YouTube

Stormwater Public Service Announcement (2010). Links to YouTube.