The Rogue Valley Council of Governments (RVCOG) is funded primarily by state and federal sources, which account for more than  two-thirds of  its annual budget. Since many of its programs involve compliance with state or federal regulations, the Council aggressively seeks government grants and contracts to fund the programs. The Council neither levies nor collects taxes.

Technical and administrative assistance provided to member governments is either a direct benefit of membership or is funded through grant programs or direct contract. Member’s annual dues are based on a per capita rate and represent less than 2 percent of the budget. Revenue from dues helps meet the “local match” requirements of various state and federal grants and pays for the Council’s basic administrative activities not covered by grant programs.

Annual RVCOG Operating Budget

2024 – 2025 RVCOG Approved Operating Budget
2023 – 2024 RVCOG Adopted Operating Budget   2023 – 2024 RVCOG Operating Budget Amendment
2022 – 2023 RVCOG Adopted Operating Budget     2022 – 2023 RVCOG Operating Budget Amendment
2021 – 2022 RVCOG Adopted Operating Budget     2021 – 2022 RVCOG Operating Budget Amendment
2020 – 2021 RVCOG Adopted Operating Budget
2019 – 2020 RVCOG Adopted Operating Budget
Contact RVCOG for prior Documents

Annual Combined Financial Report

2023 ACFR
2022 ACFR
2021 ACFR
2020 CAFR
2019 CAFR
Contact RVCOG for prior Documents