Rogue Valley Council of Governments
Have you been feeling down or blue?
Have you lost interest in doing things?
If you answered “yes” to one of these questions, and are 55 years or older, PEARLS can help!
PEARLS stands for Program to Encourage Active Rewarding LiveS. This program involves meeting with a counselor and finding ways to meet your challenges in life. PEARLS helps people better manage their lives and find solutions to problems that make them feel down and discouraged. PEARLS is a no cost in-home counseling program offered by the Aging and Disabilities Resource Connection.
The PEARLS program teaches you skills to manage these unpleasant feelings and improve your quality of life.
- Process that helps you to identify and solve problems that may interfere with happiness and quality of life
- Focused on the “Here and Now” – starting at the present and moving forward with changes