Rogue Valley Council of Governments
The Rogue Valley Council of Governments (RVCOG) was formed in 1968 to operate within Jackson and Josephine counties in accordance with its Charter and Bylaws.
There are currently twenty-four members: 15 local governments and nine other jurisdictions (such as special districts and higher education). Each jurisdiction appoints an official as its representative on RVCOG’s Board of Directors. The majority of RVCOG’s funding comes through grants and contracts with federal, state, and local government, with additional monies coming from donations and membership dues. RVCOG does not have legislative, taxing, or enforcement authority.
Although the COG’s programs have evolved over the years as a response to new needs of members and changing funding sources, it has always maintained its fundamental role as a regional resource for technical expertise and project management, as well as a collective voice for the region when working with the state or federal government.
As a result of RVCOG’s regional presence, it was designated as the Rogue Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (RVMPO) by the Governor in 1982 and the Middle Rogue Valley Planning Organization (MRMPO) in 2013. In the interests of efficiency, the direct MPO policy functions were delegated by the COG to two separate committees of elected and appointed officials for each MPO area. Within the RVMPO, representatives from Ashland, Talent, Jacksonville, Central Point, Medford, Phoenix, Eagle Point, Jackson County, Oregon Department of Transportation, and the Rogue Valley Transportation District serve on the committees. Within the MRMPO, representatives from Grants Pass, Rogue River, Gold Hill, Josephine County, Jackson County, and Jospehine Transit serve on the committees. The COG, however, continues to fully staff the MPO, which is responsible for: 1) developing and maintaining the Regional Transportation Plans and Transportation Improvement Programs; 2) performing regional air quality conformity analyses for carbon monoxide and particulate matter; 3) coordinating transportation decisions among local jurisdictions, state agencies, and area transit operators, 4) developing an annual work program; and housing and staffing the regional travel demand model for the purposes of assessing, planning, and coordinating regional travel demand impacts.
The COG’s Senior and Disability program is also the designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for Jackson and Josephine Counties. The AAA has developed a network of services to help seniors and adults with disabilities live with dignity and independence. The AAA is authorized by the federal Older Americans Act to: 1) advocate for all older Americans, 2) identify the needs of the elderly, 3) develop comprehensive and coordinated services for the elderly, and 4) administer funds to provide the services. Acting as the AAA we administer Medicaid, Cash Assistance, and Food Stamps Programs for people with disabilities and Older Americans Act, Oregon Project Independence, Medicaid, Cash Assistance, and Food Stamps programs for people age 60 and older.