Rogue Valley Council of Governments

Our 6-week Living Well workshops, led by certified peer trainers, build self-management skills to better deal with chronic pain, chronic conditions, and diabetes. This evidence-based program was developed by Stanford University. Spanish versions for chronic conditions and diabetes are also available. More information here (you will be redirected to Living Well website)
Click Here or use the QR code in the flyer below to register for the March 21-April 25, 2025 Diabetes Self-Management class
Food & Friends is the only Meals on Wheels program serving Jackson and Josephine Counties.
We deliver meals to the homes of seniors who are unable to shop or prepare meals due to illness, injury, or disability. Meals are also available for eligible adults with disabilities.
In addition to the meals we serve, our service provides vital social contact and a regular safety net check to recipients of our meals.
Our volunteer drivers deliver more than 16,000 meals each month to individuals living independently at home, who, for health reasons, cannot make their own meals.
An additional 3,000 meals are served each month at our 12 congregate senior dining sites with the help of our volunteers.
We typically serve over 235,000 meals to approximately 3,000 people in Jackson and Josephine Counties each year. More information here