Rogue Valley Council of Governments
Your donation to Food & Friends is a lifeline to hundreds of seniors and people with disabilities in our community. Without Food & Friends, many would not have the proper nutrition to maintain good health. A tax deductible gift to Food & Friends helps make it possible for home-bound seniors in our region to avoid the trauma and financial burden of more costly nursing home care. For some who rely on Food & Friends, the deliveries help them temporarily while they recover from an illness or surgery. Others need help for longer periods of time. We cannot do it alone. Whatever your donation, on behalf of the many seniors served by Food & Friends, thank you for your support!
The “donate” button above will take you to a PayPal account administered by the Southern Oregon Center for Community Partnerships (The CENTER) and your donation will go directly to Food & Friends. Donations are tax deductible and you will receive an acknowledgement letter for your contribution of $30 or more. Please be sure to include your address and check the box to “Share your mailing address with Southern Oregon Center for Community Partnerships so they can acknowledge your donation.”
The CENTER is a 501(c)3 organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, and may engage in any lawful activity intended to raise public and private funds to benefit the existing and future clients of the Rogue Valley Council of Government’s Senior and Disability Services (SDS) and Food & Friends programs. As appropriate, The CENTER may also engage in activities that encourage communication, consultation, and cooperation across southern Oregon.

To mail a donation, please make your check payable to “Food & Friends” and send it to the following address:
Food & Friends
P.O. Box 3275
Central Point, OR 97502
On behalf of Jackson and Josephine County seniors, thank you for your generous support!

Looking for an alternative way to support Food & Friends? How about donating a vehicle?
You can now donate vehicles to Food & Friends in partnership with The CENTER and Charitable Adult Rides & Services (CARS). CARS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit social enterprise owned by a nonprofit supporting only nonprofits through vehicle donations. To learn more about CARS or to make a vehicle donation to Food & Friends, click the “Donate a Vehicle” button.