Advocacy & Advisory Councils


Advocacy – The RVCOG Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities (AAAD) advocates to protect the independence, dignity, choice and safety of older adults and people with disabilities.  Two Advisory Councils assist:

Senior Advisory Council (SAC) – An  up to 21-member Senior Advisory Council appointed by the RVCOG Board of Directors, is mandated under the federal Older Americans Act to advise AAAD staff in RVCOG’s Senior Nutrition and Senior and Disabilities Services programs.

The Council provides advice and assistance with new program development and service implementation to meet the needs of older adults and people with disabilities, advocates and shares information within the community, and advises on key issues and emerging trends affecting older adults.

Council members have the satisfaction of knowing that their involvement results in better services, timely information, and increased resources.

New members are welcome.

For more information about the Senior Advisory Council, click here.

Disability Services Advisory Council (DSAC)An up-to-11 member Disability Services Advisory Council, appointed by the RVCOG Board of Directors, is mandated under Oregon Senate Bill 875. Although, SB 875 requires that the majority of the members have a disability, and that some of the individuals be Aging & People with Disabilities (APD) services recipients, interested members of the community are welcome to participate.

With members from both Jackson and Josephine counties, the DSAC meets monthly to advise local APD offices on program policy and the effectiveness of services provided (such as Medicaid and SNAP) to younger people (18-64) living with physical disabilities. Additionally and secondarily, the council advocates and collaborates on matters not related to the Department of Human Services and addresses local issues affecting people experiencing disabilities. Meetings are open to the public and visitors are always welcome.

For more information about the Disability Services Advisory Council or to request an application, please contact Diana Burney via phone at 541-613-7230 or via email at

Joint Disability and Senior Advisory Council ActivitiesDSAC Officers periodically meet with SAC Executive Committee members in order to assure synergy between RVCOG AAAD and APD programs. When there are issues or topic areas of interest to both the DSAC and SAC, the two advisory councils will meet together.

Council or alternate members from both the SAC and DSAC may be appointed to serve on the Advocacy Committee. Staying informed of current and proposed pertinent legislation, the joint SAC and DSAC Advocacy Committee focuses on engaging, educating ,and empowering SAC and DSAC members and the community in legislative advocacy.